.... how it all began.

From time to time in the recent years I have thought about the name Scheyer and the idea who they are and where they come from . I can't remember that my grandfather has ever told me about family history, the earlier days or from the war.

Two years ago (2009), more by chance, I was on the road with my grandmother (83) and asked her what she did at the weekend. She told me that she was on a family reunion of Scheyer and that there was also an invitation for me but she had forgotten it in her desk.

I almost fell off my chair. In the evening she gave me the invitation from Rolf Scheyer, a name I never heard of before. That same evening I started my family research and now I can say that after 2 years it's a never ending story.

Rolf is my great-great uncle two generations away, when I phoned him he told me that he had started family research some years ago but not so deep. His data was the starting point of my Scheyer data.

When asked in the kinship, luckily I got more and more documents, contracts, notes , ancestor pass, family bibles, personal records and so on.

Step by step I was able to collect more data and also found additional information in the Internet.

My research is divided into four main groups of my grandparents.
Scheyer from Wahlrod,
Weyer from Wahlrod / Kroppach,
Spiegel from Engelskirchen
and Weber from Altenkirchen / Fladersbach.

Marc-Andre Scheyer in July 2011